[Lambley 34 of 44]


Parish of Lambley

< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Waughold Holm Waughold Holm Mr. Wallace, Lingy Close 62 Chains North A farm house with outhouses
Waughold Holm Mr. Stobart, Ash Holm west of Tows Bank Garden &c attached
Waughold Holm Mr. Dickenson, Waughold Holm
Waughold Holme List of Co Voters
Waughold-holm List of Proprietors
Low Ashholm Low Ashholm Mr. Wallace 49 Chains North A Cottage with Barn and
Low Ashholm Mr. Dickenson west of Tows Bank garden attached
Low Ashholm Mr. Stobart
Ashholm Wood Ashholm Wood Mr. Wallace 48 Chains North A small wood of an unmixed
Ashholm Wood Mr. Dickenson west of Tows Bank Character so called from being
Ashholm Wood Mr. Stobart within the farm of Ash Holm
John Stewart
Lance Corporal Royal Engineers

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Transcribed by PT

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