[North Shields Index 4 of 6]


[North Shields Index – Reconstructed]

Object Page Object Page Object Page Object Page
Spencer’s Tobacco Manufactory 182 Tanner’s Bank
(Click page numbers)
29,65 The Commercial Hotel 121 The Freemason’s Arms PH 105
Spital Cottage 5 Temperance Hall 103 The Corporation Arms PH 113 The Garrick’s Head PH 116
Spital Dean
(Click page numbers)
5,28 Temperance Hotel 24 The Crane House (PH) 232 The George IV 140
Spital Dean Bridge 5 The Shakspeare Inn 106 The Crescent Tavern 68 The George Tavern
(Click page numbers)
Spital Dean Farm 4 The Aberllolwyn Arms (PH) 241 The Crown & Anchor PH 176 The Gibraltar Rock PH 20
Spital House 7 The Admiral Jervis PH 143 The Crown & Cushion PH 196 The Globe PH 142
Spring Gardens 86 The Admiral Nelson PH 190 The Crown & Sceptre PH 218 The Globe Inn 185
Spring Gardens (PH) 86 The Albion Hotel 104 The Crown & Sceptre Tavern 130 The Golden Fleece 198
Spring Terrace 46 The Alnwick Castle PH 127 The Crown & Thistle (PH) 231 The Golden Lion PH 127
Squire’s Walk
(Click page numbers)
4,51 The Anchor & Hope 79 The Crown PH 177 The Granby PH 162
St Andrew’s Chapel (Independent) 134 The Anchor Tavern 229 The Crown PH 122 The Green 9
St Cuthbert’s Terrace 44 The Bath Hotel 22 The Cumberland House PH 194 The Green Man PH 181
St Cuthberts Terrace 94 The Bath Inn 22 The Cumberland Arms PH 25 The Gut 145
St David’s Mount 125 The Bay Horse (PH) 220 The Custom House Tavern 158 The Half Moon PH 79
St Marys Chapel 26 The Bay Horse PH 170 The Dock Hotel PH 196 The Hibernian Tavern 102
St Saviour’s Church (Chapel of Ease) 1 The Bedford Arms PH 93 The Dock House (PH) 215 The Highlander Inn 157
Stamp Office 17 The Bee Hive PH
(Click page numbers)
201,215 The Dock Inn 214 The Hope & Anchor PH 103
Stanhope & Tyne Drops
(Click page numbers)
217,222 The Black Bull PH+A279 190 The Dolphin PH 6 The Hope Inn 136
Steam Ferry Station 220 The Blue Bell (PH) 155 The Duke of Sussex PH 54 The Hylton Castle (PH) 212
Steam Mill Lane
(Click page numbers)
172,201 The Blyth House PH 188 The Duke of Wellington PH 133 The Jerusalem Coffee House PH 175
Steel’s Quay 174 The Board PH 185 The Duke of York PH 72 The John Bull Inn 124
Stephenson Street
(Click page numbers)
60,111,131 The Borough Arms PH 133 The Dutalia Hotel 169 The King William IV PH 81
Stephenson’s Row 210 The Brewer’s Arms PH 148 The Eagle Inn 58 The King’s Head PH 124
Stephenson’s Street 16 The Bull Ring (PH) 225 The Earl Grey Inn 76 The King’s Head PH 176
Stewarts Bank 141 The Burdon Main (PH) 215 The Edinburgh Castle PH 141 The Kings Head 162
Swaddles Hole 37 The Centurion (PH) 211 The Essex Arms (PH) 229 The Kings Head PH 152
Swan’s Quay 174 The Clock Tavern 139 The Flags PH 147 The Lamb (PH) 215
The Clock Tavern 74 The Flats
(Click page numbers)
33,82 The Lindsay Arms PH 170
    The Coble Inn 140 The Fold 203 The Lodge of Industry PH 249
    The Colonel Linskill PH 150 The Fountain Tavern
(Click page numbers)
128,161 The Londonderry Arms PH+A185 185

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Transcribed by IST and PT