[Knarsdale Index 1 of 1]



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Ash Well 49 Dog Sike 17 High Luzley 53 Lough Hill 41 Rowantree Cleugh 17 Scythesand Sike 93
Aules Hill 49 Darkdale 50 Hanging Shaw 53 Lough Currock 42 Running Sike 20 Shields Fold 97
Amos Hill 59 Dicks Cabin 108 Hole House 60 Little Blacklaw Hill 43 Reekman Sike 33 Shot Moss 98
Howley Winter 62 Longdyke Head 55 Ratten Row 58 Shield Cleugh 99
Black Rigg 2 Eals Bridge 11 Hartchyside 71 Luzley 55 Roundhill Well 65 South Currock 104
Black Sike 3 Eals 12 Hartchy Sike 71 Lake House 66 River South Tyne 85
Black Burn 3 Eals Fell 37 Hartchy Pots 71 Limestone Hill 72 Reltons Cleugh 93 The Swangs 7
Butt of Blackburn 3 Hornsby’s House 72 Longpot Head 76 Red Well 97 The Pots 10
Bridge End 11 Faugh Cleugh 18 High Thornhope 90 Lands Hole 78 Town Foot 12
Burn Stones 25 Field Head 56 Highshield Green 95 Low Thornhope 86 Shivery Break 1 The Dimples 14
Black Edge 34 Far House 81 High Shield 95 Long Grain 101 Standing Stone 2 The Moss 19
Black Hill 49 Farhouse Well 81 Highshield Crags 95 Low Quarter 102 Small Cleugh 8 The Burnstones Inn 19
Barnstown Foot 50 Foulshaw Sike 106 Henry’s Well 96 Softley Law Wood 10 The Rectory 30
Barnstown Head 50 Farlam Currick 101 High Quarter 102 Middle Sike 17 Softley 12 The Bog 30
Barns 57 Hush Gutter 103 Merry Know 20 Small Burn 13 Thinhope Burn 31
Blackley House 64 Gowan Sike 2 Hog Hill 108 Millstone Band
(Click page numbers)
33,36 Side House 19 Town Green 32
Blackley Well 64 Glendue Sike Burn 6 Merit Hall 32 Snope Wood 27 Thistley green Sike 35
Blackley Sike 65 Glendue Wood
(Click page numbers)
7,9 Intake 85 Mardy’s Cleugh 46 Snope Cleugh 28 The Pikes 40
Bog Shield 69 Glendue Fell 18 Mardys Shield 47 Snope Sikes 28 The Hill 57
Brackeny Holes 69 Great Blacklaw Hill 43 Jane Sike 40 Methodist Chapel (Wes.) 60 Snope Hall 28 Thompsons Well House 59
Butter Crags 78 Greenhaugh 53 Merelaw Hill 72 Snope Well 29 The Red Lion PH 61
Butter Well 78 Geordys Shield 70 Kindle Burn 9 Michaelly Sike 73 Sanders Close 29 The Dumples 63
Benks Holes 80 Gelt Burn 77 Kindle 11 Maiden Way Roman Road} Softley High Wood 29 The Bog 73
Benks 90 Gilling Brigg 91 Know Head 14 (site of) } 87 Smiddy Cleugh 33 Three Pikes 74
Broad Mea 91 Gillingbrigg Gate 91 Knaresdale Hall 26 Middle Currock 104 Snope Common 35 Thorny Dub 76
Benty Band 107 Guys Cleugh 92 Knaresdale Forest 45 Snope Burn 35 The Middle 77
Barhaugh Burn 107 Gelt Burn 92 Knares Dale 54 National School (Endowed) 27 Standing Stone 44 Thornhope Fell
(Click page numbers)
Butt Hill 74 Gelt Linn 92 Kitten Tom 65 Newcastle & Carlisle Railway} Small Cleugh 48 Thornhope Burn 86
Guys Middle 94 Knarburn Cottage 67 (Alston Branch) } 85 Strickland Hall 57 Thornhopeburn Bridge 88
Candlesieves Sike 5 Green Hill 94 Knar Burn 68 North Currock 104 Simsholm Well 58 Thornhope Well 89
Cowtree Sike 13 Greenhill Sike 96 Knaresdale Common 79 Slaggyford Station 60 Thompsons Well 89
Church (Rectory) 25 Grey Nag 103 Knar 81 Proudy Hill 5 Slaggyford 61 Timothy Sike 95
Crag Head 68 Knarburn Wash Pool 96 Proudyhill Sike 8 Stokeld Green 62 Thornhope Fell 98
Colouring Crags 70 Hirp Hill 1 Penanrick Sike 16 Stokeldgreen Burn 67 Thornhope Cars 105
Chops Well 75 Horseman Cleugh 36 Larchet Hill 7 Peas Crag 34 Southard 75 Tom Smiths Stone 108
Chops Quarry 75 High Bradshaw Hill 39 Ladley Sike 18 Parker Shield 48 Slaggyfordfell End 82
Crookeld Well 89 Heathery Cleugh 40 Long Sike 23 Pry Head 56 Shawhead 88 Varies Lock 39
Cow Hill 100 Hut Burn 46 Long Moss 24 Priests Crag 66 Shieldclose House 89
Childermans Burn 108 Hazely Crags 47 Longmoss Currock 24 Parson Shields 68 Saffron Well 90 Whitfield Lough 36
Loaningside 26 West Dun Hill 46
        Lodges Crags 34         Wardley Law 62
        Low Bradshaw Hill 39         Williamston 63
                Well Burns 80
                    Wolf Cleugh 105
                    Williamston Common 107
                    Y Cleugh 46

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Transcribed by EDA and LCA