[Holy Island Index 2 of 12]


Index Continued

Object Page Object Page Object Page Object Page
Berwickhill 25 Border Inn 26 Buckton 191 Camp
Belly Flats 149 Bowsden Burn 145 Buckton Burn 198 (Site of) 75
Billylaw 54 Blenheim Hotel 37 Buckton Moor 191 Camp
Billendean Road 22 Brides Brae 115 Buck Skerrs 203 (Site of) 75
Black Well 144 Brides Hole 214 Burnfoot 1 Camp
Blackwell Fields 144 Braehead 56 Butteryhall 119 (Remains of) 189
Black Burn 173 Bridge Well 212 Bridgemill 121 Camp
Bloody Bay 202 Britannia Inn 218 Brockmill 129 (Remains of) 113
Bogle Houses 183 Broomhouse 119 Bunters Knowe 174 Camp
Bonner’s Stead 30 Broomy Knowes Plantation 186 (Remains of) 142
Bone Mill 11 Broad Stones 231 Camp Camp
Borewell 69 (Remains of) 16 (Remains of) 184
Borewell Tile Works 61     Camp Camp
    (Remains of) 64 (Remains of) 192
        Camphouses 75

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Transcribed by CTW and SS