[Woodhorn 431 35 of 43]


Parish of Woodhorn (Detd)

< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Plessay Old Plessy Old Wagonway Mr. G. Baron West of The Blyth & Tyne An old wagonway which formerly was
Wagonway Plessy Old Wagonway Mr. Steel Railway about 8 chains used for conveying the coals from Plessy
Plessy Old Wagonway Mr. Lamb N.W. of Newsham. to Blyth but is now much used as
Plessy Old Wagonway Award a private occupation road
Plessay Ph N. Book of Stannington
Blyth & Tyne Railway Blyth & Tyne Railway Mr. Sharp About 51 Chains This is a [iron?] line of Railway
(Morpeth Branch) (Morpeth Branch) N.E of Low Horton it extends from Newsham to
do Mr. Laws Farm Morpeth & it is the property of
do Mr. Lamb Messrs L[??di??] & Company
Felix Gillespie
Civil Assistant

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Transcribed by PT

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