[Stannington 50 of 80]


< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Stannington Vale Stannington Vale Mr. Joseph Stott North side of A number of houses & large
Stannington Vale Mr. Robert Wilkinson Stannington Corn Mill, situated in a confined
Stannington Vale Mr. Wilson Bridge Valley through which the River
Stannington Vale White’s Directory Blyth flows. the name no doubt
Stannington Vale A small County Map originates
Stannington Bridge Stannington Bridge Mr. Joseph Stott Across the A Well built Stone Bridge of
Stannington Bridge Mr. Robert Wilkinson River Blyth One Arch.
Stannington Bridge list of Co Bridges
Stannington Bridge County Register of the Electors for 1858
Stannington Br. A small County Map
Stannington Bridge Mackenzie’s History
New Dog Kennels New Dog Kennels Mr. Joseph Stott 15 Chains North A number of well built
New Dog Kennels Mr. Robert Wilkinson of River Houses erected for the purpose of
New Dog Kennels Mr. Wilson Blyth keeping the Blagdon Hounds
but now principally occupied as
Dwelling Houses for the servants of
Sir M.W. Ridley Bart

Note: No heading. Unsigned

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Transcribed by SW and JFMCN

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