[Newburn 403 88 of 110]


< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Site (Remains of) Mr Dodd About 4 chains N The best defined portion of the Roman
Remains of ROMAN WALL of Denton Square Wall on this plan only represents an
ROMAN WALL (Remains of) Mr Jackson Embankment; Mr Dodd who farmed
(site of) ROMAN WALL this ground for more than 60 years, informed
(Remains of) Mr Burnhop me that he got upwards of a 100 Cart Loads
ROMAN WALL A small County Map of stones between the House called Thorntree
ROMAN WALL Mackenzie’s History Ho. and the Embankment on trace 2 .
ROMAN WALL White’s Directory A portion of the Wall is Standing and
in good preservation near Thorntree Ho.
The Masonry is about 3 feet high
and is protected all round by
Wood paling (But it this part is in the
Parish of St John’s)
Site of Roman Vallum Mr Smith About 6 chains S. of This is the site of the great Vallum constructed
ROMAN VALLUM Roman Vallum Mr Hindmarsh The Roman Wall by the Romans and is quite visible through
Roman Vallum Mr Brayson a great portion of this plan and is Known
by its remarkable ridge like appearance
Thomas Jordan
Lance Corp. Rl $Engs$

Note: No heading

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Transcribed by DP

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