[Longbenton 92 of 128]


Parish of Long Benton Township of Long Benton

< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
High Row High Row Mr Jeminson 2 Chains North A long Row of cottages
High Row Micheal Beal East of Bigges In the occupation of
High Row Mr James Everton Main Colliery Pit men
Bigges Main Wagonway Bigges Main Branch Wagon Way TJ. Mr Jeminson 1 Chain East A Short Branch of Wagon
Bigges Main Branch Wagon Way Micheal Beal of Bigges Main Way from the C. Pit to Coxlodge
Bigges Main BranchWagon Way Mr James Everton Colliery Wagon Way
The Stables Mr Jeminson 7 Chains South A Small Square of cottages
The Stables Micheal Beal of Bigges Main So called
The Stables Mr James Everton Colliery
James Eylward C/a

Abbreviations are underlined like this RE and the expansion may be seen by hovering the cursor over the abbreviation.

An entry outlined like this has a note which may be seen by hovering the cursor over it.

Transcribed by CTW and PT

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