[Kirknewton 3 of 128]


Parish of Kirknewton
Sheet 14. 5 Trace 4

< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Howtel Howtell Mr. J Howie On Sheet A good substantial Farm house with
Howtel or Estate Map 14: 5 offices &c. also a considerable Hamlet
Howtle Directory situated about 2 1/2 Miles N.N.W. of
Howtel Parish Name List P. 15 Kirknewton, and giving name to the
township in which it is situated.
Peel Peel Mr. J. Howie On Sheet An old square tower in ruins,
Mr. C Brown 14. 5 supposed to have been one of the
Estate Map border Peels so common on the
Tower Close Tower Close Mr. J. Howie On Sheet A field so called from the above
Mr. C. Brown 14. 5 peel which it immediately adjoins.
Estate Map
Robt Young
Corporal Royal Engineers

Note: Signature in header, 'Collected by'

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