[Kirknewton 1 of 128]


Parish of Kirknewton
Sheet 13-14 Trace 3

List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Bowmont Hill Bowmont Hill Mr. Thompson Mindrum On Sheet A large and prominent hill on the north
Mr. George Kerr 13. 14 Side of the Bowmont Water, it is situated
Mr. Henderson about 3 miles from the Town of Yetholm, and
is named in Consequence of its proximity to
the above stream.
Bowmonthill Bowmonthill Mr. Thompson On Sheet A well built and finely situated farm
Mr. George Kerr 13. 14 house, about 3 miles in an easterly direction
County Directory from the Town of Yetholm. the lands of this
farm embrace Bowmont Hill from which it is
Camp Camp (remains of) Mr. Thompson On Sheet The remains of an ancient intrenchment
(Remains of) Mr. George Kerr 13. 14 can be distinctly traced on the Summit
County Directory of Bowmont Hill
Comb Fell on 6 inch 24. C – a hill on the Parish boundary
between Ingram & K. Newton
See remark No 3 on Ingram Parish – 15 Novr 62
William Boyd
Civil Assistant

Note: Signature in header, 'Described by'

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