[Kirkwhelpington 52 of 70]


Sheet 70 Plan 1 Kirkwhelpington Ph

< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Heron’s Well Heron’s Well Mr Robson 11 chains S.W.E A good spring at the
Heron’s Well Mr Robert Mason of St Bartholomew’s South side of Wansbeck
Heron’s Well Mr Finley Church
Kirkwhelpington Kirkwhelpington Mr Robson 12 chains S.E. of A corn mill on the north side
Mill Mill Revd Mr Walker St Bartholomew’s of Wansbeck propeled by water
(Corn) Kirkwhelpington Mr R Mason Church
Bolt House Bolt House Hodgsons Northumberland 11 chains N.E. The walls of an old peel
(In Ruins) Bolt House Revd Mr Walker of St Bartholomews which from its appearance and
Bolt House Mr R Mason Church the thickness of its walls denotes
a place of little importance
they are at present employed in
taking down the walls so it
and the adjoining buildings
will disappear this summer
& other buildings erected in their place
on or near the same place foundations

Note: Unsigned

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Transcribed by EDA

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