[Kirkwhelpington 51 of 70]


Sheet 70 Plan 1 Kirkwhelpington Ph

< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Parochial School Parochial School Revd Mr Walker 2 chains east of A neat stone building erected in
Boys & Girls St Bartholomew’s 1859. by subscription the
Parochial School Anderson Esqe Church principle subscribers were
Boys & Girls Sir John Swinburn & Mr
Parochial School Mr Robson Anderson, the school is supported
Boys & Girls by yearly donations from the
above Gentlemen and others
togeather with the childrens
weekly pence
Groove Well Groove Well Revd Mr Walker 8 chains South of An excellent spring which
Groove Well Mr Rt Brown St Bartholomew’s supplies the village with
Groove Well Mr Robson Church water. So called from a
shaft being sunk here to
obtain lead, but were forced
to relinquish it in conse-
quence of the water
Michl. Costelloe
Civil Assistant

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Transcribed by EDA

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