[Ingram 45 of 52]


Sheets 29. 4. Parish of Ingram

< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Intrenchments Entrenchments (Remains of) Ralph Carr Esqr., Hedgeley. On Sheet The remains of two small parallel
(Remains of) Entrenchments (Remains of) Mr. Richd Rutherford, Shepd, 29. 4 entrenchments, having openings and
Greensidehill. a slight slope facing the south,
Entrenchments (Remains of) Mr. Robt Donkin, farmer, adjacent to which are the remains of a
Ingram. number of old walls, some of which appear
Intrenchment English Dictionary. to be foundations of buildings, and
are very similar to those connected with
the Camp at Grieve’s Ash.
Tumuli Tumuli (Remains of) Ralph Carr Esqr., Hedgeley. On Sheet A few scattered stones placed in a circular
(Remains of) Tumuli (Remains of) Mr. Richd Rutherford, Shepd, 29. 4 form, and supposed to be the remains of
Greensidehill. ancient graves – situated north of Hunt
Tumuli (Remains of) Mr. Robt Donkin, farmer, Law.
Tumulus Tumulus (Rems of) Ralph Carr Esqr., Hedgeley. On Sheet A Circular heap of stones, situ[ated on]
(Remains of) Tumulus (Rems of) Mr. Richd Rutherford, Shepd, 29. 4 Hunt Law, and suppose[d to be the]
Greensidehill. remains of an ancie[nt] [???]
Tumulus (Rems of) Mr. Robt Donkin, farmer,
Tumulus Do Do On Sheet
(Remains of) 29. 4 Do – hollow[ed] [???]
John Callanan
2nd Corporal Royal Engineers

Note: Signature in header, 'Described by'

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