[Holy Island 234 of 238]


Holy Island Parish Sheet 12.7 Trace 1

< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Castle Point Castle Point Mr Boak, Officer of Coastguard on sheet A narrow neck of low gravelly land
Castle Point Mr Wilson, Harbour Master 12.7 at high water mark with shingle and
Castle Point Mr Robert Stamp, Schoolmaster boulder beach off it to low water mark
east of the Castle, and a prominent
mark to vessels entering Holy Island
Hole Mouth Hole Mouth Mr Boak on sheet A narrow anchorage for vessels unable
Hole Mouth Mr Wilson 12.7 to round Ridge End on entrance to the
Hole Mouth Mr Robert Stamp harbour, between Castle Point and Ridge
End, with water depth of 7 feet at L.W.
Cockle Stone Cockle Stone Mr Boak on sheet A small black rock about 60 ft below
Cockle Stone Mr Wilson 12.7 high water mark south west of the Castle
Cockle Stone Mr Robert Stamp
Riding Stone Riding Stone Mr Boak on sheet A black rock amidst boulders about 300
Riding Stone Mr Wilson 12.7 feet below high water mark a short way
Riding Stone Mr Robert Stamp west of ‘Cockle Stone’, the top of which
when above water serving as an in-
dicator of the fordableness of the sands to Beal

Note: Unsigned

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Transcribed by CC and SMH

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