[Holy Island 201 of 238]


Parish of Holy Island Sheets 8-11 & 12-1 &c

< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
The Snook The Snook Mr Ralph Wilson, Harbour Master on sheets The long, narrow, portion of Holy
The Snook Captn David Moore, Holy Island 8.13 Island, extending in a northwest
The Snook Mr Robt Stump, Schoolmaster 12.1 & direction for about a mile and a half
12.2 from the limeworks (on trace 2 of
12.2) to Snook Point, it is quite
barren, producing scarcely anything
but coarse bents, and having in it
some deep sand holes, there are
some parts of it very narrow, the sea
nearly meeting at high spring tides
there was an attempt made to
get coal here some four years ago, but
did not succeed, but lime abounds here.
This portion of the Island is the
property of the Crown.
Snook Point Snook Point Mr Ralph Wilson on sheet The extreme N. W. end of
Snook Point Captn David Moore 8.13 "The Snook" it not high, but from
Snook Point Mr Robt Stump the great extent of flat sands &c
out from it, it forms a prominent
object to vessels at sea, and
is well known to mariners
frequenting this coast.
John McCabe

Note: Signature in header

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Transcribed by CC and SMH

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