[Holy Island 178 of 238]


< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Fenham Fenham Estate Map on sheets A small village, consisting
Fenham Mr Thomas Mathison 11.8 & of a neat farmhouse, & out
Fenham Mr John Mathison 12.5 offices, a few scattered
Fenham Mr John Black cottages, an Inn and an
excellent Corn Mill –
It is situated on the sea
shore opposite to, and about
3 miles west of "Holy Island"
and about 5 1/2 miles north-
-west of "Belford".
It is the property of John
Joliffe Tufnell Esqr.
In an enclosure on the south
side of the village, there are
the remains of ancient buil-
-dings – Still visable, and some
of the inhabitants affirm that
a Castle stood here, but I
could get nothing authentic
respecting it, and as I have
seen history is silent on the
subject. (The prominent portions
are shown on trace)

Note: Top of page cut - 174 shows through; unsigned

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Transcribed by CC and SMH

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