[Holy Island 170 of 238]


< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Glede Hill Glede Hill Mr George Hogg on sheet A hill feature on the farm
Glede Hill Mr Matthew Forster 11.7 of "Mounthooly", and a short dis
Glede Hill Mr Thomas Main (Steward) tance east of "Kentstone Hill",
Gleed Hill Estate Map there was a large portion of it
Glede The Kite on the north, and west sides,
planted, about 30 years ago –
and bears the same name as the
"Hill", It is supposed to have got
this name, from, having been frequ-
-ented by birds of the Hawk
species. It is the property of Captn
Leyland –
Mounthooly Mounthooly Mr George Hogg on sheet An old farmhouse in good
Mounthooly Mr Matthew Forster 11.7 repair, and having extensive offices
Mounthooly Kyloe Church Select Vestry Books small garden, hinds’ houses and large
Mounthooly Estate Map arable farm attached, it is the property of
Mounthooly Mr Thomas Main (Steward &c) Capt. Leyland, Haggerston Castle.
Mountholy H K Gregson Esq Lowlynn Mr Gregson, gives as his reason, for calling
this "Mountholy" a tradition, which says
that this was the place where, the Monks
rested the first night after keaving Lin
-disfarne, with the body of St Cuthbert
when taking it away from that place –
about the time of the second Danish
invasion:- the latter end of the 9th century

Note: No heading; unsigned

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Transcribed by CC and SMH

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