[Hexham 380 41 of 54]


Headings to insert

< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Tower Tower Manor Office Richard Gibson Esqr 30 7 Chains N of A square remarkable Tower having
Tower Manor Office Mr Fairless the Temperance a course of corbels projecting a
Tower Manor Office Revd Mr Urwin Hotel long way from the top, the light
Tower Manor Office Wrights Histy of Hexham was admitted by small apper-
Tower Manor Office Whites Directory tures until Mr Beaumont had
windows put in which caused
a great amount of labor the
walls being 9ft thick and
composed of such hard material
powder had to be used to
widen the appertures
Manor Office "The Common Prison is a very ancient Tower. it was anciently the Town
Gaol. It is of remarkable Architecture, being Square containing Very small
appertures to admit the light. The founder is not Known having two
dreadful dungeons within it, doubtless it has been the Chief fortress
of the place" Wright’s Histy of Hexham
Lambton & Co. Bank It has been anciently the Town Gaol & up to
a late period used for that purpose. It is
supposed that it was the chief fortress of
the place. It is now used as a Manor office
& also Lambton & Company holds a bank
in it. The founder is not known supposed thought
Built in the reign of Edward 2nd to built in the 12th Century. It is the property of
W.B. Beaumont Esqr MP
M Costelloe c.a.

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Transcribed by CTW and PW

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