[Hexham 380 31 of 54]


Town of Hexham Sheet 21 Plan

< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Moot Hall Moot Hall Plan of the Manor of Hexham On the East Side An antique looking building in which
Moot Hall Mr Joseph Fairless of the Market Place the Manor Court is held –
Moot Hall The Revd John Singleton The steps of the front entrance are
Hall History of Hexham by Wright of modern construction and also the
Small house between them & the Tower
Manor Court Manor Court which has no connection with the Hall
Wright in his history states
the building was probably constructed
for the defence of the Abbey
Hall Gate Hall Gate Boards at each end of the Street East of the Moot Hall An irregular Street leading from
Hall Gate Mr Joseph Fairless Market Place to the Head of Hall-
Hall Gate The Revd John Singleton Orchard Road. The north part of the
Hall Gate Plan of the Manor of Hexham Street was at one time called Excheequer Fold
Exechequer Fold Plan of the Manor of Hexham and the South Hall Garth but have
been altered by the Board of Health
Henry Farr

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Transcribed by PW and CTW

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