[Haltwhistle 374 214 of 216]


Sheet 84 Plan 9 Parish of Haltwhistle

< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Ridley Common See Name Book of Sheet 83/8
Roman Wall
(remains of) See Name Book of Sheet 83/12
EINTRENCHMENT Entrenchment Mr Dryden Kennels 46 Chains North A triangular earth work of the
Remains of (Remains of) of New Beggarbog Ancient Romans consisting of a
Entrenchment Mr Errington Sewingshields Rampart & Ditch; it remains are still
(Remains of) good; its use has been to strengthen
Entrenchment Mr Thompson Tow House the Wall at this place as owing to
(Remains of) the nature of the ground this place
was very weak.
Busy Gap Busy Gap Bruce’s Memoir 43 Chains North of A wide hollow on the line of the Roman Wall
Busy Gap Mr Dryden New Beggarbog bounded on its north by Sewingshield Crags
Busy Gap Mr Errington & to the south by Kings Hill: From the
circumstance of this part of the Wall being
weakly situated it was much exposed to
attacks from the Scots & Picts hence the
John Stewart
2nd Corporal Royal Engineers

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Transcribed by PW and CTW

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