[Haltwhistle 374 195 of 216]


Parish of Haltwhistle Sheet 83 Plan 15

< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Milking Gap Milking Gap Mr Green 40 Chains N.N.E. A natural Pass or ravine at the east west
Milking Gap Mr Smith of Twice Brewed end of the Highshield Crags. The Roman
Milking Gap Bruce on the "Roman Wall" Name to be written Wall passed through it. I could not ascertain
Milking Gap MacLauchlan’s Memoir on Sheet 83/11 the reason it has this name
A Public road now intersects it from north
to South.
Castle Nick Castle Nick Mr Green 36 Chains N. of A natural pass at the East end of
Castle Nick Mr Smith Twice Brewed the Peel Crags this place was defended
Castle Nick Mr Armstrong Hotbank by a Mile Castle from which it
Castle Nick Bruce’s Roman Wall takes its name
CASTLE Mile Castle Mr Cook 36 Chains N of One of the Mile Castles built
(Remains of) Remains of Twice Brewed for the defence of the Roman Wall
Mile Castle Mr Smith the walls of it are in good condition
Remains of
Mile Castle Mr Armstrong
Remains of
Bruce on the Roman Wall
James Sloan
Sapper Royal Engineers

Abbreviations are underlined like this RE and the expansion may be seen by hovering the cursor over the abbreviation.

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Transcribed by PW and CTW

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