[Ford 41 of 88]


Parish of Ford
Sheet 14-15 Trace 5

< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
The King’s Chair Hill The King’s Chair Hill Estate Maps On Sheets A part of the same ridge which is called
Mr Glendinning 14.1 & Flodden Hill, this end (the western) is named
Mr Broomfield 14.5 in Consequence of King James IV having viewed
King’s Chair Hill History of the Battle of from this spot the march of the Earl of Surrey
Flodden by Robert White
Newcastle 1859
The Kings Chair The King’s Chair Plantn Estate Map On Sheets A small oblong fir plantation
Plantation Mr Thomas on the top of the hill bearing the same
Mr Glendinning name, it belongs to the Marchioness of
This name is not written Waterford
considered necessary
Flodden Edge Flodden Edge Revd Robert Jones On Sheet At the present time this name is only
Mr Rankin 14.5 applied to the small farm of Branxton
Estate Maps Allotment, but from enquiry made
the whole southern declivity is what
ought to be termed Flodden Edge.
in placing the name coming in to this
Parish it may seem a little at variance
with some Estate Plans.
William Boyd, Civil Assistant

Note: Signature in header ('Described by')

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Transcribed by LF

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