[Farne 24 of 26]


Farne Islands Sheet

< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Islestone Shad Islestone Shad Admiralty Chart on Sheet A small rocky patch, shown at low
Islestone Shad North Sea Pilot 12a.C water by the tangle upon it and
Islestone Shad Mr Patterson; Monkshouse sea generally breaking; 3/4ths of a mile
Islestone Shad Mr Patterson; N.Sunderland north of Wideopen.
The Bush The Bush Admiralty Chart on Sheet Eastward of the two ‘Scarcars’ is a reef
North Sea Pilot 17.B extending about 1/4th of a mile, and
Mr Patterson; Monkshouse partly visible at spring ebbs, and de
Mr Patterson; N.Sunderland -fined by the tangle growing upon it-
Staples Sound Staples Sound Admiralty Chart On Sheets Staples Sound’ – about a mile in breadth
Staples Sound North Sea Pilot 12.a C and from five to eight fathoms deep,
Staples Sound Mr Patterson; Monkshouse 12.a D separating the Staples isle from the
Staples Sound Mr Patterson; N.Sunderland 17.A & Wideopens, forms a passage for Vessels of
17.B nearly any burden, although great
care is necessary as there are several
sunken dangers near it.

Note: Unsigned

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Transcribed by SMH and CC

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