[Falstone 367 80 of 106]


Sheet 49 Plan 10 Parish of Falstone

< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Hayw Cleugh Haw Cleugh Mr. Potts 14 chains SW A small mountain stream rising from
Haw Cleugh Mr. Armstrong of Gibbie’s Knowe on Hogswood Moor cut drains and marshy ground it derives
Haw Cleugh Mr. Nichol ie Haw trees local name the name by having a great many Haw trees
for White Thorn growing by the side of it and forming
a good feature on Hogswood Moor
Gibbie’s Knowe Gibbie’s Knowe Mr. Potts 14 chains NE A small remarkable conical hill on the East
Gibbie’s Knowe Mr. Armstrong of Haw Cleugh Side of Keilder Burn having an old [camp]
Gibbie’s Knowe Mr. Nichole ie Gibbie. Corruption of near its summit used in former times
Gibbie’s Knowe Mr. Robson the Christian name of as a penfold for securing Cattle in
Gibbie’s Knowe Mr. Lucas Gilbert British Camp nearly on its summit which appears to have
Hob’s Knough White’s Directory consisted of a massive stone wall the track of which and
several very large stones still remain
Hog Holes Hog Holes Mr. Potts 72 chains SW A remarkable craggy feature a place where small district with many natural holes which
Hog Holes Mr. Armstrong of Gibbie’s Knowe the sheep occupy in Stormy weather
Hog Holes Mr. Nichole ie Hogs local name for being a good place for Shelter
Year old sheep
Charles Payne

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Transcribed by BFR and BER

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