[Falstone 367 75 of 106]


Sheet 49 Plan 9 Parish of Falstone

< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Bellsburnfoot Bellsburnfoot Mr. Black 36 chains NW A small Farm House and out
Bellsburnfoot Mr. Armstrong of Kerseycleugh Buildings with garden attached
Bellsburnfoot Mr. Robson the property of the Duke of Northumberland
now in the Occupation of Mr Jas Black
Church Church Mr. Black 42 chains NW This is the site remains of an ancient Church
(Remains of) (Remains of) of Kersey cleugh Supposed to have been a Chapel of ease
Church Mr. Armstrong More probably this is the site before the divission of the great parish of
(Remains of) of an old Presbyterian Chapel Simondburn was effected there are no visible
Church Mr. Robson as the Church did not attend remains of the Building, but it is clearly defined by a
(Remains of) much to the spiritual interests mound of earth and loose Stones
See page 69 of this locality while the
Scotch were very industrious
and to this day nearly all the
natives are Presbyterian
Charles Payne

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Transcribed by BFR and BER

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