[Embleton 80 of 106]


Parish of Embleton

< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Wisplaw Wisplaw Tithe Map On Sheet A good farmhouse,
Mr. George Forest (Tenant) 27.13 having, a garden, suitable
Mr. George Dickman – offices, and a large arable
List of Co Voters farm attached, It is the
property of the Duke of
Northumberland –
Wisp Law Wisp Law Same Authorities On Sheet A hill feature, in an
27.13 arable field south of
the above farmhouse
and from which it
derives the name. Origin
of name unknown
Renningtonhill Renningtonhill Same Authorities On Sheet A small, farmhouse, having a
Rennington Hill List of Co Voters 27.13 garden, and small offices
attached, but the farm
is now let, with that
of Wisplaw, It stands
on elevated ground
hence the name –

Note: Unsigned; hand of William Beatty

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Transcribed by PT

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