[Embleton 62 of 106]


< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Lady Well Lady Well Revd R. Bosanquet On Sheet A spring of excellent
Lady Well Mr. James Aitchison 27.9 water and built round
Lady Well Mr. Thomas Downey with mason-work, which
appears to be very old
but I could not obtain
any information re
-specting the origin of the
name, nor anything con
-nected with the well –
It is situated, in a plan-
-tation, a few chains West
of "Rock Hall".
Rock Hall Rock Hall Same Authorities On Sheet A large, and elegant
Rock Hall White’s Directory 27.9 mansion, pleasantly
Rock House List of Co Voters situated, and embosom-
-ed in trees, there are good
gardens neatly laid out pleas-
-ure grounds, and suitable
offices attached. It was
erected about the year 1815
on the site of a very old
building, which was known
+property & residence of the Revd R. as Rock Castle – It is the +

Note: No heading; unsigned; prob. hand of John McCabe

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Transcribed by PT

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