[Embleton 30 of 106]


< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Risemoor Cottage Risemoor Cottage Mr. James Patterson, Owner On Sheet A small public house, situated
(Fisherman’s Arms) (Fisherman’s Arms) & Occupier 27.3 a short distance from Newton
(PH) Mr. Ralph Pringle Seahouses, and having
Mr. George Mavin – small garden attached.
(There is no land near to it
Called – Rise Moor)
Embleton Links Embleton Links Same Authorities On Sheets A long norrow stripe of rough
22.15 & pasture, Bent grass, and sand
27.3 hills, extending along the
Sea Shore, in the township
of Embleton, It is the property
of the Earl of Tankerville –
The Skaith The Skaith Same Authorities On Sheet A flat portion of the South
27.3 end of "Embleton Links"
The Games, which take place
at Embleton Feast, are
carried on here, (origin of
name unknown)

Note: No heading; unsigned; prob. hand of John McCabe

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Transcribed by PT

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