[Embleton 26 of 106]


< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Chuck Bank Chuck Bank Mr. James Patterson On Sheet A prominent sandbank,
Mr. Ralph Pringle 27.3 close to highwater mark, a
Mr. Robt Sheel short distance south of
Risemoor Cottage – there are
a great quantity of small
sea shells in it, hence the name
North Eastern Railway North Eastern Railway Bradshaw’s Railway Guide On Sheets That portion of Railway belonging
Company’s Advertisements 22.13 to the North Eastern Company
John Henderson } 22.14 which extends from Newcastle
Superintendent Traffic } 27.2 to Berwick upon Tweed.
Department – } 27.6 It is a double line of Railway
27.10 & on which there is an
27.14 Electric Telegraph –

Note: No heading; unsigned; prob. hand of John McCabe

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Transcribed by PT

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