[Embleton 12 of 106]


< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Kirk Dike Kirk Dike Estate Map On Sheet A large pasture enclosure
Mr. William Chirnside 22.15 a short distance South
Mr. George Mavin of Newon Village, I could
Joseph Forster Esqr. not ascertain that a church
ever had been here (as the
name would seem to indi
-cate,) nor why it got this
name –
School School Same Authorities On Sheet A neat, Small School
22.15 house, erected in 1859 by
Voluntary Contribution, on
ground it given by J –
Forster Esqr. It is a mixed
School, and the average
attendance about 30 –
There is no emoluments, but
what is received from
the Scholars –

Note: No heading; unsigned; prob. hand of John McCabe

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Transcribed by PT

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