[Embleton 104 of 106]


< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
The Star The Star Mr. Robt Wightman On Sheet A Shepherd’s house, on the
Postmaster, Dunstan 27.16 farm of Craster S.Side
Mr. Martin Archbold and naear to the north
Mr. George Smails – of "Long Heugh", It was
built about 40 years ago
and the name then given
to it was, "The North Star" –
but now called "The Star"
Swine Den Swine Den Estate Map. (1815) On Sheet A bend in the Sea Shore
Swine Den Mr James Grey, farmer 27.16 adjoining "Cullernose
Craster, Southside – Point", the cliff here is
Swine Den Mr Martin Archbold high and precipitous – and
the foreshore, between high
and low water, is thick
covered with boulders –
origin of name unknown
Salter’s Gate Salter’s Gate Same Authorities On Sheet A "Gate" in the township
27.16 road leading from Dun-
stan to Howick &c where
the boundary between the
latter and Embleton Parish
crosses it – salt was formerly
carried on Pack Horses along this road hence the name

Note: No heading; unsigned; hand of John McCabe

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Transcribed by PT

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