[Elsdon 365 94 of 154]


Sheet 42 Plan 6 Parish of Elsdon

< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Short Fell Short Fell Mr. Hindmarsh 1 1/4 mile East of A Small eminence Situated
Short Fell Mr. Dunn Pity Me on Sills Moor well known by
Short Fell Mr. Douglas this name.
{Watling Street See name Book Sheet 42/1 Plan 1
Roman Road{Watling Street
{Watling Street
Tumuli Mr. McLauchlan’s Plan & Memoir 30 Chains North of Three remarkable Knolls or mounds situated
Tumuli of Watling Street Pitty Me. on Birdhopecrag Moor, immediately adjoining
Tumuli the West side of Sills Burn. Mr. McLauchlan
in describing these objects Says, on our way up
on a regular Tumuli generally has a different appearance to that of the adjacent ground.
for mortar, when the new house at Pitty Me was built. Mr. Dunn of Pitty Me who opened the mound
if formed by the action of Water.
James Doherty
Lance Corporal Royal Engineers

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