[Elsdon 365 8 of 154]


Sheet 34 Plan C Elsdon Parish

< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
and gave other open signs of resentment
His retinue chiefly men of Redesdale and
Tynedale the most ferocious of the English
borderers, glad of any pretext for a quarrel
discharged a flight of arrows among the Scots
a warm conflict ensued in which Carmichael
being beat down and made prisoner, Success
Seemed at first to incline to the English side
till the Tynedale men throwing themselves too
greedily upon the plunder, fell into disorder
and a body of Jedburgh citizens arriving at
that instant the skirmish terminated in a complete
victory on the part of the Scotch who took prisoners
the English Wardens James Ogle Cuthbert Collingwood
Francis Russel, son to the Earl of Bedford, and son in
law to Forster, some of the Fenwicks & several other
border chiefs they were sent to the Earl of Morton, then Regent,
who detained them at Dalkeith for some days till the
most of their resentment was abated which prudent
precaution prevented a war between the two Kingdoms.
He then dismissed them with great expressions of
regard, and to satisfy Queen Elizabeth, sent
up Carmichael to York whence he was soon
McKenzie’s History Honorably dismissed"
John Mulligan Civil Assistant

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Transcribed by RP

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