[Elsdon 365 58 of 154]


Sheet 41 Plan 9 Elsdon Parish

< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Outer Stony Holes Outer Stoney Holes Mr Oliver 31 Chains N W A large portion of rocky ground Composed
Outer Stoney Holes Mr Ord of Castle Crag of Course sand stone blocks irregularly
Outer Stoney Holes Mr Dodd piled together and forming a remarkable
feature on Chattlehope Moor
Graeymare Stone Greaymare Stone Mr Oliver 41 Chains N W A large massive rock about 8 feet in height
Greaymare Stone Mr Ord of Castle Crag and Varies from 10 to 13 feet in length how
Greaymare Stone Mr Dodd this stone attained the name is unknown
by the present natives inhabitants
Chattlehope Spout Chattlehope Spout Mr Oliver 25 Chains S W This waterfall is 75 feet in height not
(Waterfall) Chattlehope Spout Mr Ord of Castle Crag immediately perpendicular the stream
Chattlehope Spout Mr Dodd beeing interrupted near the middle by
a projection of the rock from whence
sliding gradually some feet it falls a
second time. The precipices are naked
and there are no picturesque beauties
in the whole scene
Charles Payne Civil Assistant

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