[Elsdon 365 24 of 154]


< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
CAMP Roman Camp Mr. Hindmarsh 64 Chains E.S. East The remains of a large Roman
(Remains of) (Remains of) of Cottonshope Head encampment Situated on the Summit
Roman Camp Mr. Drummond of a considerable eminence well known
(Remains of) as Foulplay Head. This Camp
Roman Camp McLauchlan’s Plan & Memoir extends North East & South West with
(Remains of) of Watling Street its North East front nearly parallel
to the Course of the Roman Road.
On this Side is an opening with a
travers in front which appears to
be the principal entrance. On the North
West Side there are two openings
each defended by an outward mole
of an oblong form at the distance of
12 yards. This entrenchment is well
situated to Command the line of Watling Street
for a considerable distance North & South.
J. Doherty
Lance Corporal Royal Engineers

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