[Elsdon 365 102 of 154]


< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Harelaw Cleugh Harelaw Cleugh Mr. Anderson About 24 chains S E of A small stream running through a deep
Harelaw Cleugh Mr. Douglas Silloans valley generating in flat called Christies Bog
Harelaw Cleugh Mr. Robson and forming a tributary to Sills Burn
Foreshield Fold Mr. Anderson About 36 chains N E Some old walls and Ruins the site of an old
Foreshield Fold Mr. Douglas of Silloans dwelling house at present converted into a sheep fold
Foreshield Fold Mr. Robson
Christie’s Bog Christie’s Bog Mr. Anderson About 60 chains E A small portion of wet swampy land from
Christie’s Bog Mr. Douglas of Silloans which issues the stream called Harelaw Cleugh
Christie’s Bog Mr. Robson
White Crag White Crag Mr. Anderson About 80 chains N E A large rocky feature situated on a high ridge
White Crag Mr. Douglas of Silloans of considerable elevation consisting of a quantity of
White Crag Mr. Robson large rocks piled together and scattered about
Edw. Gillespie Royal Engineers

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Transcribed by ARJC

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