[Elsdon 364 18 of 244]


Sheet 51 Plan 2 Parish of Elsdon

< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Wool Law Wool Law Mr Brown 62 chains North A large Farm House in a good state eminence on which
Wool Law Mr Dunn West of Hopesley House. of repair stands a good Farm House with outhouses, garden &
Wool Law Mr Nichol yard attached. This name is derived
Woolaw List of County Voters from the ground on which it stands.
Woollaw MacLauchlan’s Map of Watling Street
Lineal Cleugh Lineal Cleugh Mr Coulson 39 chains East A small stream rising on Rochester
Lineal Cleugh Mr Amos of Hopesley House. Common and flowing in a Southerly
Lineal Cleugh Mr Easton direction until it joins the River
Rede, 5 chains South West of Stobbs Farm
Lamb Crag Lamb Crag Mr Coulson 32 chains East of A small rocky eminence situated [on]
Lamb Crag Mr Amos Hopesley House. Rochester Common well known by this name.
Lamb Crag Mr Easton Mr MacLauchlan shows a tumulus on the [south]
of Watling Street. Situated on the summit [of]
this eminence, this mound was opened in the presence of some members of the Antiquarians
Society among the rest his Grace the Duke of Northumberland who give it as his opinion
that the object was a natural mound and that the supposed ashes found in the interior were
nothing but decomposed peat moss.
James Doherty
Lance Corporal Royal Engineers

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Transcribed by TH

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