[Elsdon 364 139 of 244]


Sheet 52 10 Parish of Elsdon

< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Fairneycleugh Fairney Ccleugh Mr. Heron About 57 chains S.W An old Farm Hous in a very bad state of repair
Ferneycleughairney Ccleugh Mr Arkle of Dunshield with offices in almost a ruinous condition being
FerneycleughFairney Ccleugh Mr Davison the joint property of Mr Storey and others
FerneycleughFairney Cleugh Mr Hall & List of County voters
Fairney Cleugh Parish Plan of Elsdon
Heirs House Heirs House Mr Arkle About 35 chains NW An old stone Building formerly used as a Farm
Heirs House Mr Fail of Dunshield House now uninhabitated and in a ruinous state
Heirs House Mr Mathew Hall Property of C. W. Ord Esq in the occupation of
Mr Arkle of High Carrick Farmer
Low Carrick Low Carrick Mr Arkle About 45 chains NW A neat stone cottage used as a shepherds
Low Carrick Mr Fail of Dunshield dwelling the property of Sir John Haggerson
Low Carrick Mr Robert Hall in the occupation of Mr Fail
High Linn High Linn Mr Arkle About 36 chains S.E. A very remarkable waterfall in Elsdon Burn
High Linn Mr Mathew Hall of Dunshield or rather two waterfalls where the stream falls over
High Linn Mr Keith two perpendicular ledges of rocks the southern one
being about 15 feet in height the other about 8 feet in
height. This object serves as a kind of Barometer when
the sound of it is distinctly heard in Elsdon they inhabitants
always expect and prepare for a storm
Edw. Gillespie Sapper Royal Engineers

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Transcribed by RS

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