[Elsdon 364 102 of 244]


Sheet 52 Plan 3 Parish of Elsdon

< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Grasslees Burn Graslees Burn Mr Snaith About 13 chains S A large stream flowing in an easterly direction
Graslees Burn Mr Thomas Brown of Graslees through a deep wooded valley taking its name
Graslees Burn Mr Charlton from the House called Graslees
Brockley Park Brockley Park Mr Crammond About 58 chains N.E. An enclosure of ancient land a great portion
Brockley Park Mr Snaith of Graslees of which is clothed with old natural
Brockley Park Award and Parish Plans forest trees
Clovencrag Sike Clovencrag Sike Mr Crammond About 41 chains E. A small mountain stream gathering from
Clovencrag Sike Mr Snaith of Graslees wet land on Darden Moor and forming
Clovencrag Sike Mr Charlton a tributary to Graslees Burn it derives its
name from its proximity to Cloven Crag
Cloven Crag Cloven Crag Mr Crammond About 38 chains S.E. A very remarkable rocky feature consisting
Cloven Crag Mr Snaith of Graslees of a deep chasm the sides of which are covered
Cloven Crag Mr Charlton Estate Plan with very large blocks of disjointed Rock
and loose stones the chasm is nearly two hundred
feet deep and appears to have been formed by
volcanic agency
Edw. Gillespie Sapper Royal Engineers

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Transcribed by JTP

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