[Elsdon 364 101 of 244]


Sheet 52 Plan 3 Parish of Elsdon

< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Grasslees Graslees Mr Snaith About 30 chains SW A good stone Building with offices adjoining
Graslees Mr Thomas Brown of Pattenshield Knowe formerly used as a Farm House now as the dwelling
Grasslees List of County Voters of a shepherd property of John Hedley Esq
Grasslees Whites Directory
Pattenshield Knowe Pattenshield Knowe Mr Snaith About 30 chains NE A small eminence which takes its name
Pattenshield Knowe Mr Thomas Brown of Graslees from a House called Patten Shield which
Pattenshield Knowe Mr Smith at one time stood upon the near its summit
Grasslees Mill Graslees Mill Mr Snaith About 19 chains N. E. A good stone Building with dwelling House
Corn Graslees Mill Mr Thomas Brown of Graslees attached. It is a Public Mill with machinery
Graslees Mill Mr Charlton adapted to grinding corn which is put in
motion by a water wheel
Penchford Burn Penchford Burn Mr Snaith About 5 chains N. A considerable stream flowing through
Penchford Burn Mr Thomas Brown of Graslees a deep wooded valley taking its name from
Penchford Burn Mr Charlton an old Farm House on its north Bank and
forms a tributary to Graslees Burn
Edw. Gillespie
Royal Engineers

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Transcribed by JTP

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