[Ellingham 60 of 62]


< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
(Site of) Church (Site of) Mr. Joseph Ferguson On Sheet The Site of An Old Church in
Church Church (Site of) Mr. John Fawcus 26.12 the north Side of the Village of
Church (Site of) Mr. Robt Renner S. Charlton the foundation
was cleared out by the direc
-tions of the Duke of North
– umberland, about two years
ago, leaving its Shape &c
quite visible – I Could not
find out anything respect
-ing its history –
Kirk Croft Kirk Croft Same Authorities & On Sheet A large enclosure, Contain
Estate map – 26.12 -ing about 20 acres, on the north
Side of the Village of S. Charlton
but now divided into Several
same enclosures – in one of
which, the old Church Stood
from which it derives the
Brockleyhall Brockleyhall Same Authorities On Sheet A neat, Small, farmhouse,
26.12 Situated about 30 Chains N.
of S. Charlton Village. There are
Suitable offices, hinds houses
and large, arable, And pasture
farm attached – It is the prop
-erty of the Duke of

Note: Unsigned

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An entry outlined like this has a note which may be seen by hovering the cursor over it.

Transcribed by PT

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