[Ellingham 55 of 62]


Parish of Ellingham Sheet 26-13

< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Charlton Mires Charlton Myres Mr. Robt Renner, Tenant On Sheet A neat farmhouse, having
Charlton Mires Estate map 26.12 garden, Suitable offices, hinds
Charlton Mires Tithe map houses, And a large Arable
Charlton Mires Joseph Ferguson farm attached. It is the
property of the Duke of
Chester Hill Chester Hill Same Authorities On Sheet A Small, hill feature, in
26.12 An Arable field on the
farm of Charlton Mires.
I Could not ascertain that
a Camp had been here, as
the name would seem to
indicate but it is more than
probable that there was one or
in its vicinity, which gave
rise to the name –
Rocket Hill Rocket Hill Mr. John Fawcus, Tenant On Sheet A hill feature, on "Brockleyhall
Rocket Hill Mr. James Fettas, Farm 26.12 Moor". And about half a mile
Steward, Brockleyhall east of S. Charlton. Origin of name
Rocket Hill Mr. Joseph Ferguson unknown – And orthography
John McCabe

Note: Signature in header

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Transcribed by PT

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