[Ellingham 42 of 62]


< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Hallflat Plantation Hallflat Plantn Estate Plan On Sheet A Small triangular plantation
Hallflat Plantn Mr. Joseph Hills 26.4 of mixed wood, on the east
Hallflat Plantn Mr. Thomas Beattie Side of the road, between "North
Charlton", And "Browneyside".
The field in which it is Situated
is Called "Hall Flat" hence the
name – It is the property of A.
J.B. Cresswell Esqr.
Castle Close Castle Close Same Authorities On Sheet A Small pasture enclosure
26.4 on the north Side of N. Charlton
Village. It gets this name, from
A Castle having supposed to have Stood in it,
the Site of which, is Still pointed
out – see Page 35 –
Castleclose Plantation Castleclose Same Authorities On Sheet A Small, mixed plantation
Plantation 26.4 on the top of a prominent Knoll
in "Castle Close", And having on
its Summit, what is Said to
be the remains of An old
Church. This eminence has every
appearance of being Artificial

Note: Unsigned

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Transcribed by PT

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