[Eglingham 82 of 86]


Parish of Eglingham

< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Crawley Dean Crawley Dean Ralph Carr Esqr. High Hedgeley On Sheet A deep natural dell, between
Crawlawe Dene } Mr J. Muir, Farmer, Crawley Tower 30.8 Crawley Township and
or } Shawdon wood house on the
Crawlaw Dene } Mr John Robson, Farmer, East side, & between Dean Ho.,
Ganton N. Field Glanton N Field, & Greenville
Crawley – See Parish Name List on the west side extending
from Dean House to Powburn
Village in the N.W. & S. direction
Along the bottom of the Dean passes the new public road
from Powburn to the Bridge of Aln, thereby avoiding the steep
hill between Powburn & Glanton, the bottom of the Dell forms
the boundary between the parishes of Eglingham & Whittingham
and the steep sides of the Dell & Dean are planted with
well grown thriving plantations –
Crawley Dean is the orthography in use at present, but
it it is contemplation to have it altered to one of
the latter spellings given –

Note: Unsigned

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Transcribed by PT and PF

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