[Edlingham 65 of 68]


< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Wheatfolds Wheatfolds Mr Mitchell Moorhouse 31 Chains S.S.W. A small stone cottage with
Wheatfolds Mr. Nevens Swinburn Arms of Wallhope garden attached situated on
Wheatfolds Mr Lamberts Rimside Moor
Wellhope Waellhope Mr Mitchell 31 Chains N.N.E. A small stone cottage in good
Waellhope Mr Lambert of Whealfolds repair with garden attached
Waellhope Mc Laughlins Plan
Grey Mare Greaey Mare Mr Mitchell 10 Chains W.N.W. A very larg and prominent
Greaey Mare Mr Lambert of Wallhope surface rock, and conspicious
Greaey Mare Mr Nevens by its height and white color;
It is well known by this name

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Transcribed by KF

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