[Earsdon 105 of 114]


Parish of Earsdon Townships of Seaton Delaval and Hartley

< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Seaton Burn Seaton Burn Mr John Forster In the East of A considerable Stream
Seaton Burn Mr Wm Watson the Parish flowing into the German Ocean
Seaton Burn Wm Mordue it is navigable from Seaton Sluice
to the confluence with the above stream
Hartley Bottle Works Hartley Bottle Works Mr John Forster In the Village An extensive bottle manufactory
Hartley Bottle Works Mr George Taylor of Seaton Sluice The property of the Marquis of
Hartley Bottle Works Mr Wm Watson Waterford
Mill Pit Mill Pit Mr John Forster About 20 chains An old coal shaft
(Coal) (Coal) west of Colly Well
Mill Pit Mr Wm Watson
Mill Pit Mr George Taylor
John McMahon

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Transcribed by PW and CTW

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