[Earsdon 100 of 114]


Parish of Earsdon Townships of Seaton Delaval and Hartley

< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Seaton Sluice Seaton Sluice Mr John Forster About 6 chains A water gate erected for the purpose
Seaton Sluice Mr Davison North West of Colley of clearing the harbour of sand or other
Seaton Sluice Mr Wm Watson Well obstructions that may accumulate there
When the harbour gets ‘choked’, the sluice
is raised and the water rushing through
it clears the harbour of any material
that may have accumulated there.
The Kings Arms Inn The Kings Arms Inn Mr John Forster in the East of the Village An ordinary public house
The Kings Arms Inn Sign Board of Seaton Sluice about at present occupied by
The Kings Arms Inn Mr John Smart 24 chains North WestEast Mr John Smart
of Round Well
Seaton Sluice Mill Seaton Sluice Mill Mr George Taylor About 8 chains south A mill for grinding corn
(Corn) east of Round Well the machinery of which is
Seaton Sluice Mill Mr John Forster worked by steam power
Seaton Sluice Mill Mr Davison
John McMahon

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Transcribed by PW and CTW

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