[Doddington 359 7 of 37]


Parish of Wooler (Detd)
Sheet 14.8 Trace 6

< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Camp Camp (Remains of) Mr James Youg On Sheet The remains of an ancient Camp
(Remains of) Mr James Laidlaw 14.8 a little N. of Nesbitt farm house
Mr T Laidlaw Supposed to be of British origin
Camp Camp (Remains of) Revd Mr Knight, Ford On Sheet This feature is situated on
(Remains of) Mr Thomas 14.4 the N.W. side of Doddington
Mr Ormiston Moor close to the junction
of Doddington & Wooler (Detached)
Evidently the remains of a
British Camp
Robt Young
Corporal Royal Engineers

Note: Signature in header '(Collected by)'

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Transcribed by CTW and PW

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