[Doddington 359 6 of 37]


< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Galewood Galewood Estate Map On Sheet Formerly a Farm house & offices,
Mr James Fortune 14.11 but now converted into dwelling
houses for servants-The
property of Sir H. St. Paul Bart
Thirlings Thirlings Estate Map On Sheet Formerly a Farm house & offices
Mr Jas Fortune 14.11 but since Sir Horace St Paul
took the farm into his own
hands they are used as houses
for his servants the same
as Galewood
Doddington Colliery Doddington Colliery Chas Salsbury Esqr On Sheet This name applies to a Coal
Barmoor Redhouse 15.2 Pit partly worked by Steam
Andrew Bickerton, Farmer power, situated on Doddington
Coalshank Moor, the property of the
Thomas Hemery, Farmer Earl of Tankerville
Hutton Coalhouses

Note: Unsigned

Abbreviations are underlined like this RE and the expansion may be seen by hovering the cursor over the abbreviation.

An entry outlined like this has a note which may be seen by hovering the cursor over it.

Transcribed by CTW and PW

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