[Doddington 359 15 of 37]


< List of Names
as written on the Plan
Various modes of
Spelling the same Names
Authority for those modes of
Situation Descriptive Remarks, or other
General Observations
which may be considered of Interest
Cuddie’s Well Cuddies Well Revd Mr Proctor On Sheet A small spring E. of Dod Well; it
Mr J. Cock 15.9 formerly supplied the village, (till
Mr J. Cairns Dod well was enclosed,) it was Kept
in order by a person named Cuth-
bert, and now goes by his nickname
"Cuddie" –
TP Doddington Gate Mr Rutherford On Sheet A Toll Bar in the Village of Dod
Mr J. Cock 15.9 -dington on the Turnpike Road
Name Board from Wooler to Berwick-
National School National School Revd Mr Proctor On Sheet A neat Stone building erected by
Mr Cairns 15.9R subscription in 1837. It will accom
Directory 15.13 -odate 120 Children the usual att-
endence is about 70-
Doddington Mill Doddington Mill Revd Mr Proctor On Sheet A Corn Mill in the Village
(Corn) (Corn) Mr R. Burrell 15.9 of Doddington occupied by Mr
Directory R. Burrell, Miller, it is old
and a good deal dilapidated

Note: Unsigned

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An entry outlined like this has a note which may be seen by hovering the cursor over it.

Transcribed by CTW and PW

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